Monday, September 7, 2015

The last stone fruit pie

I decided earlier this summer that I would learn how to make a lattice top pie.
It was easier than I thought; the secret (as always with pie dough) is to work with it when it is super cold.
The 'weaving' part just takes a little bit of concentration, it's not hard. Believe me, if I can do it a monkey can.
Peaches are so good in the summer that I thought my first crack at it would be that fruit.

Peach/blueberry pie with straight cut lattice top
My second one was a peach/blueberry....yum.
And as pretty as those first two pies came out, something was missing.
I was cutting the dough with a plain knife so the strips that formed the lattice had a clean edge...nice, but could be better.
So I was on the hunt for one of those little crimped edge dough cutters, the kind where the circle of metal was about the size of a quarter. I'd see them all the time in antique stores. So on a recent trip for work, one that took me to Phoenix, Portland, and Pittsburgh with stops at thrift stores and antique shops in every one, I couldn't find one pie cutter! AARGH.
I was in Bed Bath & Beyond this week and I found one for only $4.99 and it had TWO heads! One for straight edges and one that was crimped. I had my heart set on an antique version (and I'll keep
my eyes peeled for one) but in the meantime, this one made a lovely pie this weekend, a white peach and blueberry this time. It was DELICIOUS. I took several shots as I was making, a kind of visual tutorial to show the steps.

White peach/blueberry pie with crimped edge lattice top

This'll be the last fruit pie this summer, fall is around the corner and you know what that means: PUMPKIN PIE, my favorite :)

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