Thursday, September 24, 2015

Outside maintenance

One of the first things you learn when you buy a house is that it needs constant upkeep, it's almost a living breathing thing. There's always SOMETHING that needs fixing, changing, updating, throwing out, etc.
This week I took care of two things, one I had an expert fix, the other I did.
The first was that the chimney needed a new cap and some outer bricks needed re-appointing...quite a few as it turned out, 18 in all.
The old cap was rusted and busted, the new one is much sharper looking...and the bricks look great, you can't even tell at this point which ones were replaced.

New bricks

New chimney cap

On the side of the house near the kitchen window there were some shingles missing, I guess they'd fallen off over the years. I hated the snuggle-toothed way it looked so I nailed some other ones I had there were on the little roof of the garden shed. They were aged already with some lichen on them. they don't match right now but in a couple of seasons they'll blend right in. 

New shingles under the kitchen vent

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