Saturday, October 17, 2015

Island in the stream

I've been thinking about getting a kitchen island for a while...but wasn't sure if it would really work in my kitchen's layout, if it would be too cramped.
So I had a brainstorm: rather than chance it by buying something new and then finding out it was a bad idea, I realized I had this old farm table in the basement that was just gathering dust. Why not try it--at least temporarily--as the island?
So I hauled it upstairs and, lo and behold, I think it kinda works. I'm getting used to it. We'll see if my patience holds up with having to work around it specially as I cook and clean, but for right now it does hold some extra things I don't need to clutter up the rest of the couter space.
Here's what it looks like...

Farm table as kitchen island
It's a nice place to put the cake stand, I like to feature baked goods in it when I have them. Also a good place for my bar board. I always keep fresh lemons at the ready for ice water or tea. There's also  a bowl of potatoes and a trivet (I'm always in need of a place to put a hot pot or pan).

A good catch-all space
It would help if it were a little less wide, but it shows me that if I like the idea of having an island I can look for something more narrow and know for sure that it will work.
I may wake up tomorrow and hate it but for now I'm digging it, stay tuned.

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