Sunday, July 4, 2021

Paint it Black

 It's been a LOOONG time since I've posted. Too many things occurred over the last 10 months or so for me to explain. Suffice it to say, 2020 was not a good year, in fact it was down right horrible. That said, 2021 has been better, not without it's setbacks as well, but on the whole better than last year. I was away from Sag Harbor for almost FIVE MONTHS, leaving Scott here alone to fend for himself. All thru the dark dismal days of winter and all the holidays. I don't know how he made it. One of the ways he occupied himself was by painting practically the entire first floor of the house! When I got back in March it was a whole new home. So different was it that I immediately wanted to change so many things. So many furnishings and decor items just didn't work with the new paint scheme and feeling of the place. One easy remedy was to paint a lot of the items. And going darker was the answer. It made the pieces feel so much more modern. 

The first was changing the oxblood coffee table to dark gray.

Next was the shelf in the dining room.

Then I brought the "Satan" chair up from the basement and gave it a new coat of black.

And the ashes bucket on the fireplace mantel.

The shades on the dining room chandelier went from off-white to black. 

This was just the start of all the projects I wanted to do, more on the rest in future posts...

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