Monday, September 28, 2020

Cherry picking

 In this house we prefer cherry tomatoes to regular tomatoes. You never seem to need a whole big tomato for a recipe or salad and then you're left with a large chunk that gets mealy and ends up being thrown out. The solution? I always have a basket or two of cherry tomatoes on hand. It allows you to use just the right amount of tomato and there's no waste. But the downside is that they need to be kept at room temperature on the counter and they come in those ugly plastic containers that are so unsightly. 

Who wants one or two of those things sitting on the counter? NOT ME. So I finally decided on a solution. A nice ceramic holder that looks like a paper container that you get at a roadside farmstead or farmer's market. So much nice to look at. I found one on Easy that was nicely priced and I was quite happy to see that it was much larger than I had expected from the picture. It can hold up to two containers of tomatoes. It sits nicely on my kitchen island, I love it. 

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