A couple of days ago I woke up and looked out my front window. My neighbor from across the street, Robin, was in my front yard with another woman. She was on her cellphone. I looked closer and at their feet was a baby deer, a fawn. Rather than go out there in my robe, I gave it a rest...I was also afraid it might be something concerning the vacant lot next door. Were they questioning all the leaves and branches that have been dumped there?
An hour or so later I looked out again. The ladies had left but the mama deer had showed up. As I opened my front door to take a picture the mama took off down the street. The baby could barely move, she/he had a hard time even standing on it's legs. My friend Jan told me that for the first couple of days after they're born fawns don't move a lot. I snapped this pic. It was cute I must say.
Later I got a call from my OTHER neighbor, Dan, from next door. The fawn was now in my BACKYARD. It had gotten there from the space between the house and the side gate. He suggested opening the gate in case the mother wanted to find her baby. Ok, so I did that. Later that afternoon they were both gone. Case closed, right? Not so fast.
The next morning I woke up to see the baby DEAD in the front yard. Great. Now what?
I called Animal Protection and told them I had a dead deer in my yard. The lady said "if it's on your property it's YOUR responsibility." Fabulous. She said I might want to put it out on the street and maybe the garbage men would pick it up. Yeah, right. That's not gonna happen. We don't have town garbage service, it's all private contracts (as is mine). They wouldn't touch a dead animal if they didn't have to. So I decided the best plan of attack would be to bag the deer and leave it for my garbage men. The problem? It was Friday and they don't come TIL WEDNESDAY. Ugh. So the dead animal would be fermenting in my garbage can for FIVE DAYS. I put it into two thick contractor bags along with a bunch of leaves to (hopefully) quell the smell if there was any. My friend Tony says that it wouldn't decompose in that amount of time, that it takes a lot longer. That made me feel better. But still. Just knowing that there's a dead body in my garbage can is unnerving...kinda putting a damper on my Memorial Day Weekend. It's always something, right?
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