Monday, November 20, 2017


With the turn of the seasons it's time to get the house and yard ready for winter. That means pulling in all the throw pillows on the porch furniture and storing them in the basement, also bringing everything closer to the house so it's more protected from the elements, namely snow.

The biggest task is raking all the leaves in the yard. In the month of November the village allows you to sweep all your leaves out onto the street by the curb. They come around and sweep them up into a big truck. I guess it our tax dollars at work. In years past I'd always have my yard guy do the Fall cleanup; sadly, those days are over. It's now up to yours truly. I spent all afternoon today raking an hauling the leaves in the front yard to the street.

I used my wheelbarrow. It was a lot of work. And I still have the backyard to do! Not to mention getting up on a ladder and cleaning the gutters. Boy, owning a house is a lot a work, especially when you're poor. OY.

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