Thursday, October 26, 2017

The basement ceiling

Yesterday I started a long overdue project I've needed to get to for years: painting the basement ceiling.
I've been wanting to whitewash it to match the walls, an arduous project I tackled about 10 years ago. When I did the walls back then it made all the difference in lightening up the gray oppressiveness down there. I never got to the ceiling because I knew it was going to be a bear.
So I decided that this needed to be my big Winter Project for the season...I mean, what ELSE have I got to do? LOL
When you're looking at a huge task I find it's always best to think of it in small steps so as not to get overwhelmed. Just start nibbling and after a while you'll be further along than you realize.
I'm going to do one "room" of the basement at a time; I started with the handyman corner. I'll prime each section's ceiling and then go back and paint, probably with a nice Decorator's White. Because the ceiling is broken up into smaller sections because of the cross beams, it helps to keep track of the job. I did the first section. It's slow going. Since it's overhead you can only keep your arm elevated for short bursts of time. You feel like Michaelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel!
So stick in a pin in this date, the official first day of the project, and let's see how long it take me to complete. My dream would be to have it finished by Spring. Stay tuned...

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