Saturday, September 23, 2017

Swing and a miss?

I was walking down Main Street this week and I saw a help wanted sign in the window of Harbor Books, the quaint bookstore/tea shop in town.

I paused and thought about the prospect of working there for two seconds and then decided it would be the perfect job for me right now.

I went home and wrote an impassioned letter to the person in charge of fielding applicants, detailing my work history, why I think I'd be a good fit for their store, and my resumé. That was Wednesday. I haven't heard boo since. Nothing. Nada. Bupkis.
This is extremely disappointing as I think I'd be great for that place...I even have book store experience having worked all through college in a Waldenbooks in Austin, Texas. (I mentioned this in my letter).
I suppose there's always a chance I'll still hear back but something tells me that common workplace courtesy is not at play here. Sad :(
It's always good to at least get back to people and let them know what's happening and the reason they fell short as an applicant, especially if they put forth all the effort of contacting you.
Oh well, and so it goes...

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