My little sister came to live with me last month. A while back she asked me if she could move in for 6 months or so in order to save a little money, start a nest egg for her future since after her divorce she really had nothing. She'd move up from Atlanta, and use the upstairs for her bedroom and home office. She works from home on her computer and monitors. How could I refuse? Besides, it could be fun.
And it has been.
She's a great cook, we grill, play board games, do puzzles, haunt yard sales, go the beach.
But there's a "but":
It's all been way, WAY too much of an emotional trial for her.
She left her 3 grown kids, all her friends, the city she knows like the back of her hand...only to come to a place where she knows no one but her brother who's not there a good chunk of the time.
About a a month before she was to come here, she had panic attack in a public place. It was so disorienting EMT's had to be called to deal with her. That incident has haunted and put a pall over her ever since. What if it were to happen again? In public. Where she doesn't know anybody. The fear of that is too much.
She has body vibrations, a "buzzing" that travels around her body. Sometimes dizzyness, sometimes headaches. It's affecting her whole personality and her job. And I feel helpless. It's heart breaking. I talk to her constantly, as does my mom and her friends, nothing helps.
The only solution I can think of is for her to go back to Atlanta, but that opens up a whole new set of problems to tackle, not the least of which is shipping her car back and finding a new apartment.
So we take it day by day.
But to complicate things, she had a tick bite scare a few weeks ago. She went to two clinics and got a mega-dose antibiotic. She thought she had two more bites (that was a scary night) but luckily they were only plant splinters.
The following week, the internet went out for FOUR days. Not fun. She needs the internet for her work. Thank God she found out she could go to the Sag Harbor library, but it was nerve wracking nonetheless.
And this week when I was in the city on jury duty, she had more panics and ended up with shingles on her face around her eyes. A midnight trip to Southampton hospital ensued. She got some Xanex and they help but she's afraid to get hooked on them.
So it's one thing after another and she's not getting any better. The irony is that she's in one of the most beautiful places in the country...and she's miserable. Somehow she'll get through this but I fear it will get worse before it gets better. Stay tuned...