Saturday, December 9, 2017

Christmas decor

I got all the Christmas decorations up just a few days after Thanksgiving so that I can enjoy them while I'm here at the house before I leave for the city and Texas.
The tree with my handmade Christmas card ornaments...

The new wooden angel star tree topper I made this year from a weathered piece of plywood I found in the basement...

My wooden handmade nativity...

The 'trinket tree' in the dining room...

The mantel with my Santa stocking and leftover tree boughs...

My 'still raccoon' ornament...

The wreath on the front door...

Jingle bells on the French doors...

A mini wreath in the living room...

And a bowl of glass ornaments on the dining room table...


Friday, December 1, 2017

The seashell lamp

Years ago someone gave me a small lamp shaped like a seashell. It's a little "twee" for my taste but it does fit the beachy theme of the house. For a time, I kept it in the bathroom. but the cord on it was incredibly long. One day I decided to cut the cord and re-wire the thing. Bad idea. I screwed up something and it no longer worked. Into the basement it went to collect dust for years.
The other day I thought I'd take another crack at wiring it. I bought a new six dollar electrical cord and plug at the hardware store and attached it to the socket. It worked! New lamp!
I thought it would look cute on top of the wardrobe in my bedroom to add a little more light to that corner of the room, especially at night when I would be on my computer lounging in bed.
I love re-purposing old things and getting new life out of them.